Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Masterpiece Essay

May 1
Jeffrey Walter May
Dr. David Preston
AP English Literature
9 June 2015
Masterpiece Essay
Marriage is the union of two things (typically man and woman) that love each other and this can be said about one and learning. Someone can fall into love with learning and how much that one can take in and process into their own interpretations. But also one of the biggest burdens with marriage is the fact that divorce is always an option after it, it is the cause of the love no longer being there and once again this can also be said about learning. Someone can no longer feel as strongly as they once did to learn in the first place and I can say I honestly had a hint of both throughout the year, I would go in and out of marrying and divorcing my love for learning. I have always loved to learn and have new ways to figure things out but at times I get stressed out and break down to the point where I want to divorce learning.
Fiction is my most favored to read, not only because it is the widest genre of literature but because it allows for so much that CAN fall into its category and has a huge range of what can be written for it. I enjoy it because although it is a fictional piece it still holds a lot of information and truth into it with the many ways that the reader can interpret. As we studied Brave New World this year I had really enjoyed it as my top 3 reads ever. A new way of
May 2
interpreting the world is something that truly intrigues me a lot, I like to find new ways that our world can be ran or shown the different things that could have changed the world and that is one of my favorite (that is also why I love Harry Potter a lot because it is about wizards and those, for as far as we know, don’t exist so it’s just something new that intrigues me). I had also read Catcher in the Rye as a literature analysis book and I had really enjoyed that one, and not just because I am related to JD Salinger, but because the book gave a lot of meaning to it. It was packed in with all of the sarcasm by the main characters and I use sarcasm a lot as my own thing so I can totally relate to that and that had definitely made me laugh while I was reading the book.
Although there was quite a few presentations I had missed I still had the opportunity to see a lot too and there had been a few where I didn’t take as much in as some of the other presentations. One I had really enjoyed was Laike’s presentation on art because as she presented I could totally see the passion she had for drawing and how much it truly inspires her. When she told us how cool she thought it was that someone had contacted her to buy one of her pieces, I could totally see that she was really excited her artwork is getting out there and not just staying in her art books and paintings she had done. Terry’s presentation on nature was the same and it showed just how much he has a love for nature and it actually inspired me to get a group of friends together and plan a backpacking trip for a few days in the summer. Terry truly has a great passion for what he does and it helps him to be who he really is. Millie had a great passion for finding out the information about her family tree and how it could be related
May 3
back to basketball. Although I’m not a huge basketball fan, I still very much enjoyed learning about everything that she also learned about with the pairing of day to day and yearly family births and everything else that had regards to basketball. Megan had a fantastic presentation on journalism and although I knew she liked it, I didn’t know it was that much of a passion of hers. She really went up there and blew my mind with how much it inspired her and how much she truly loves it and I can’t wait until the day I can see her name on the news or in a popular article and I can reflect on how she once gave us a presentation that lead her to be where she is. Sean getting into politics is a great thing for him because I can tell it totally moves him. Once again with this word, the passion I saw in him (although he presented while feeling very sick) was still tremendous and he had well thought out, real, straight to the point but also well rounded topics. He will make a great person in the field of political science and I can see him going very far with that one day.
As I went through the process of my masterpiece, I ended up taking in my brother as my mentor because nearly everything I have learned about computers has been through him, a lot was self-taught with online tutorials and what not but I truly learn most from him. It had helped me to bond and get closer to him through my process of completing everything not only on my masterpiece itself but for anytime I have computer problems I don’t know how to deal with but any time anyone asks me for help. I am often known to people as the tech guy because I help a lot of people with the problems they experience and then my name gets passed around that I

May 4
can help with stuff like that. And honestly I really enjoy it, I love tinkering with little things and putting in codes to get things to work and it is something I can wait to do in my future.

All in all, I really took a lot from this course and am really glad I took it. I had been debating whether to take AP English again because I didn’t have the greatest year in it during my junior year but I decided to and am glad I did. The amount of life skills I have to go on into college and my life with are amazing and I would not want to trade it for anything else. And in this moment, I would like to thank you Dr. Preston for everything you have done and I appreciate it a lot.